Wednesday, February 06, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt and hye~

   Huh, how i wish i have my own car.. So i can travel around Sabah, spending my holiday joyfully.. But the reality is, i don't even have my own license.. Pity me..

Ok, that is not actually what i was going to share.

   Yesterday night, i have a dream.. and it was kind of ridiculous.. Well, dreams are mostly silly. But that night, i dreamed about... Digimon.. That dream makes me think further.. Curiosity fills me this whole day. sooooo.... i asked Mr.Google. Nothing much actually, i just want to know what are the anime that were popular during my childhood. For me, my favorite of course Cardcaptor Sakura and Emma, The Victorian Romance. Actually there are many more but these 2 are my mostttttt favorites!

I checked several Mr. Google answers and some of them...

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 

Cowboy Bebop



em... wrong version.. once again..


Neon Genesis Evangelion

   These are only some of them that are popular among those anime fanatics. Of course there are many more.
Frankly, i'm not really into anime but, like i said, i also have my own favorites.

Emma, A Victorian Romance

Cardcaptor Sakura

Until now, i can see anime are favored not only by kids but most of them are teenagers. Right?
Ok, that's all for my entry today. Thank you for taking a peek.. Hohoho~  

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Expensive Miawww~

 Assalamualaikum wbt and helo~

     I was staring at my cats and suddenly, ting! lightbulbbbb~ hoho, my mind was thinking..

what is the most expensive cat in the world?
what are the other species?
how many different kinds are there?

I'm sure this kind of info is reaaaaalllllyy easy to find by asking Mr.Google but, sharing is caring.. ^_^

Well, i've checked several websites and there are some similarities between them. Eventhough the sequence is different, but the species are same.

Some of the Most Expensive Cats in the World includes:

1. The Ashera [ $22,000 - 125,000 ]

2. The Bengal [ $1,000 - 4,000 ]
    In 1998, an Englishwoman Cindy Jackson paid $42,000 for a Bengal cat that was then named Fur Ball.

3. The British Shorthair [ $500 - 1,500 ]

british shorthair, an expensive cat breed

4. The Maine Coon [ $1,000 - 2,000]

5. The Sphynx [ $300 - 3,000 ]

    However, these are only few of them. There are also Manx, Savannah, Scottish Fold, Peterbald and etc. I know the word is 'EXPENSIVE' but i never really thought the price would reach that kind of number.. 

But for me and my family, the most expensive cat would be.. them - Kelurau and her son. ( my father like to give strange names.. =_= )

When she was still young..

She had a baby..
And now he has grown a lot!

p/s: Cats are also His creation. Love them. Care for them. Appreciate them.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

My 'super' holiday


It's been two weeks since i got home, and about two weeks left for me to stay home. err, sorry, sometimes my thoughts tend to arrange words in english, even tho i'm no good.. hahaha.
Oklah, rutin sama setiap hari, mungkin tidak pada hari rabu dengan hujung minggu sebab tidak payah sterika baju uniform sekolah, sebab dorang pakai baju sukan LOL..

Hmm, nampaknya masa cuti ni, the "kakak" suddenly decided to take a break. haha. dia berhenti. like seriously??!! taking over my "goyang kaki" time, now i have to do all the household chores T^T ..surely i can cook but i'm no good. Cara masak yg sama cuma sayur saja yang beza..hahaha. tapi tiada juga yang komplen, so i think that's enough..

tapi sibuk2 pun (macam lah sibuk sangat) online tetap tiap hari, kalaulah laptop ni boleh bercakap mungkin dia minta aku shut down. online pun aku tak tau lah apa aku buat, just browsing through facebook, twitter and other things that can be browsed.. haha, masa bosan log in, lepas tu log out, bosan lagi log in.. and it continues until i go crazy..bla bla.. what a life -_-

kalau malam, berkurung dalam bilik online, tingu movie, cerita korea, runningman sampai pingsan.. apa mau jadi, belajar pun nda, sebab nda tau mau belajar apa (alasan semata mata!!! :p )..tapi sekarang bosan suda, runningman suda habis tengok sampai episod 130, tunggu minggu depan lagi mau download, eh apa aku merepek ni...

AZ887 plan success.. !!

tapi apa yang aku suka masa cuti ni, kami semua makan sama2, sembahyang jemaah, tengok tv sama2, online sama2, semua sama2 kecuali mandi dan tidur sebab sini tiada sungai dan aku suka stay up..hahaha. cuma kerja2 rumah waktu pagi aku buat sorang2 T^T

friends?? hmm, i'm kind of anti-social this holiday (or forever) gathering, no chit chat, no sms, no call, no everything. i'm forever turning off my chatbox on FB, because i don't know how to end a conversation, and sometimes i tell them that i have things to do when i just don't know how to continue the conversation. i think i'm an awkward person. VERYYY awkward.. -oo-
get it?? haha

Actually this entry taken (copy paste) from my monthly journal.. this is my current thought, i think of posting it here so my friend gee who maybe curious about me all these days (or not) will know how i'm doing..hahaha.. oklah, bye, enjoy your holiday.

p/s: post terlalu panjang, mungkin cukup untuk sebulan dua tanpa post from me.. hahaha, abaikan bahasa campur2 :) 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Di sebalik Tao Kae Noi

Assalamualikum w.b.t and helo..

     Its been about 2 weeks.. my holiday.. and in 2 more weeks, i will struggle back in U.. learning bout tectonics, rocks, physics, etc.. But before that, i will get my result. huh! result~ my first semester result.. maybe it will be quite disappointing cause i turned my study week to "watch-Runningman-marathon" week. Huhu.. Genius me. Whenever i think of that, i get nervous and said ' tawakal ja la... ' but "tawakkaling" without early effort is... hm.... Because of this, my mood was like chipsmore these days.

      Then, this evening i watched a thai movie - Top Secret The Billionaire. I know its kind of out dated.. but the story somehow is inspiring. this story is like a reminder, telling me not to give up.. whatever my result will be. 1st sem will be a history which i should not repeat and Insyaallah will try harder to improve my study. 

Just like in the Holy Quran..

Chapter (13) sūrat l-raʿd (The Thunder)

For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron.

So, moral of today, Remember, DO NOT GIVE UP!! :D

Top secret the billionaire

jajang!!!! Tao kae noi~ 

The founder.. ^_^

Do not give up whatever happens, if we give up then it was nothing

-Aittihpat "Top" Kulapongvanich 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.. Ola~

Da lma x login blog.. almost forgot d pasword.. hm.. bkn sngaja x update tp teda ilham.. aiseh..

       A while ago, tba trgerak la hti utk bka folder gmbr2 highschool dlu.. Btl la kta org, zman skola pling best. (ada ka yg ckp mcmtu?) Tgk gmbr2 pn da ble bwt kta snyum sndri. And then, tringat la blik chrcteristic unik stiap sorang klasmet tu..  

*Flashback mode*

         Al kisah pd tahun 2009, tlh ditakdirkn segroup plajr 16 thn msuk k klas 4 Patriotik slpas diterima dgn jayanya k sbuah skolah asrama yg bru memasuki usia 2 thn. Mjoriti students ni asalnya dr Tawau.. and mostly da sling knl dsbbkn drg dlu dr skolah yg sma. Cma bbrapa ketul pelajar ja yg agk awkward n agk terasing.. including me. D klas tu la jg sya knl Qina. hehe.. Bestie ever forever..

       Perkara besa la tu bla msuk skola bru. mkin lma, mkin rpt.. Sna la jg kta start knl true colors stiap sorang member.. Ada yg pndiam, kuat tdur, 'loud', bdk baik dan mcm2.. stiap sorang ada labelnya n ada geng skepala. 

          Pastu, at certain point, mst ada begaduh pnya.. x ngam pndapat la.. slh fhm la.. x puas ati la.. huhu~ oho.. hw i missed those moments..    

*back to reality*

           A few years passed n msing2 da brsepah d sluruh dunia. Ada yg msh in contact n ada yg trus snyp. Eventho the time passed, but the memories are still there.. ( there d mna? =_=" ) hohoho. My point is, sila la appreciate msa2 skola anda. Learning subjects and achieving goals are only part of it. The other part is creating memories with peoples around u while u still can..

Beberapa hri llu, sya dgr cita skola lma sya ni da brtukar nma la pla n they improvise smthing.. related to A-level or pra-u gitu.. Cgu2 sya pn da rmai yg kwin n pndah. 

Tahniah utk perasmian MRSM Tun Mustapha.
Smoga kcemerlangan dan kejayaan sntiasa tercipta!

..4 patriotik..

kumbang-kumbangan (??)

bunga-bungaan (??!!)

p/s: dear ex-4patriot, hope we can be forever friends and thanks for the memories~