Thursday, November 01, 2012

Forever Alone...?

hehe~ dear Qiuaianna,
wordless is good..

hehe, i saw this and i remember u.. not bcoz it is u. but bcoz u owes assume it is u.. i mean d forever alone thing~ juz tell me when u need a friend fr help or talk. Hubungi sya d talian 019-xxxxxxx n.. this is juz fr laugh aa.. (tu pn klu ko tketawa la..)


shaa said...

qiu: mann, the name 'qiuaianna' seems complicated..hehehe, erm..thinking of creating a new name :p

gee said...

hehe, those who x undrstand maybe will garu kepala la... u r full wif crativty bha~ hohoho.. sure u will figure smthing..