Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Geologic Time Series #1: The lost fossil...

Yesterday, something bad just happened.. Everyday, some bad things will happen but today, I won't forget it...

This is my first story as a student in Geology...

             As usual, in our paleontology class, we will draw several samples of certain phylum.. Porifera, Cnidaria.. bla bla bla.. etc~ and yesterday, the phylum was Bryozoa. Most of the samples were kept in small transparent container to avoid it from being misplaced and we were strictly reminded before not to remove it from the container. But.... as 'normal-full with curiosity-innocent-good' students, we always, in every class, happily, will not listen.. 

            So yesterday, we draw, observe, we laugh together, and we draw some more and we laugh more than we draw ( =_=") until we completed 9 drawings. Me and some of my buddies were already planning to eat after class because we normally finish the class about an hour earlier. And I.. already imagining delicious foods in my head as i was starving..huh...

             Unfortunately, as it was the time to leave, we were told that sample No.13, Tabulipora urei.. was missing in action.. huhu.. we were not allowed to leave yet until we found it.. At that time, I started to search using my super nearsighted-four eyes.. scanning.. detecting... in my pencil box, the table that I sat, in my file, the floor and my pocket. -although it was impossible.. We searched every inch the lab but it was no where to be found. About 45 minutes passed and the images of foods in my head started to fade and blur.. 

           In the end, our beloved lecturer, Mr XXX, who really likes to laugh and smile, gathered us and started to... well, 'lecture' us with his loud voice until I thought his head was going to explode because it turned red and his jugular veins were obvious.. hm.. but then he was still laughing.. He said that one piece of the fossil costs about 20-30K, and it takes a long time to get the new one after ordering it.. ngaaaa~~

             As a result, I went back to my hostel with empty-grumbling stomach.. The fossil still went missing.. and the most importantly, our lecturer is mad at us.. hu~ 

            After this class, I certainly will not take the fossil out of its container.. and I hope my friends also think the same too..

Maybe the lost fossil looks something like this.. 
Ladies and gentlemen.. this is.. Tabulipora urei..

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

wordless wednesday.

p/s: it's Wednesday and i'm going wordless. hahaha

Monday, November 05, 2012

khat khatan.. hehe..

Assalamualaikum n salam 1 Malaysia~ =..=
Akhirnya kuliah dtg lg n sayonara cuti2.. Sob sob.. Em, harini sya mhu kongsi sdkt ilmu skligus rvision.. Hehe~ Dsbbkan sya n rkn kongsi ni ahli kelab Khat, so, it's good if we share some basics bout it rite..? Is it?
Tp sblm tu, nk cta skit yg klab kmi ni trdiri drpd 99% umat Islam mnakala 1% tu lg adalah non.. Hehe, sya tabik spring dgn mamat ni sbb evendo hnya dia bbeza agama, tp owes dduk d bhgian dpn n tgh.. pjumpaan kmi pla sntiasa d jlnkn d msjid tau.. Em, sya doakan smoga dia dberikan hidayah n ptunjuk drNya melalui pnglibatannya dlm belajar khat n mnghyati seni ni.. Amiiiinn~    

So.. jom kita tgk sdikit sbnyk pngenalan kpd seni khat.. ^_^

Menurut kata kkak yg ajar kmi tu, definisi...

Khat : Perkataan Arab yg bmaksud garisan.
Seni Khat : Garisan indah berbntuk garisan.

Jenis2 Khat lazim ni ada 5 n stiap stunya lg mmpunyai pmbahagian sndri..

1. khat nasakh

2. khat ruq'ah

3. khat thuluth

4. khat diwani

5. khat kufi

Dr cntoh2 ni, dpt la jg kta tgk pbezaan khat2 tu.. Bila da terer n mhir mematah2kn tgn.. Insyaallah jd la seni mcm ni.. ^_^

huhu.. skian pkongsian ilmu dr kmi.. 
kalau ada ksilapan, mhon d tgur.. 

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Forever Alone...?

hehe~ dear Qiuaianna,
wordless is good..

hehe, i saw this and i remember u.. not bcoz it is u. but bcoz u owes assume it is u.. i mean d forever alone thing~ juz tell me when u need a friend fr help or talk. Hubungi sya d talian 019-xxxxxxx n.. this is juz fr laugh aa.. (tu pn klu ko tketawa la..)