Sunday, February 03, 2013

My 'super' holiday


It's been two weeks since i got home, and about two weeks left for me to stay home. err, sorry, sometimes my thoughts tend to arrange words in english, even tho i'm no good.. hahaha.
Oklah, rutin sama setiap hari, mungkin tidak pada hari rabu dengan hujung minggu sebab tidak payah sterika baju uniform sekolah, sebab dorang pakai baju sukan LOL..

Hmm, nampaknya masa cuti ni, the "kakak" suddenly decided to take a break. haha. dia berhenti. like seriously??!! taking over my "goyang kaki" time, now i have to do all the household chores T^T ..surely i can cook but i'm no good. Cara masak yg sama cuma sayur saja yang beza..hahaha. tapi tiada juga yang komplen, so i think that's enough..

tapi sibuk2 pun (macam lah sibuk sangat) online tetap tiap hari, kalaulah laptop ni boleh bercakap mungkin dia minta aku shut down. online pun aku tak tau lah apa aku buat, just browsing through facebook, twitter and other things that can be browsed.. haha, masa bosan log in, lepas tu log out, bosan lagi log in.. and it continues until i go crazy..bla bla.. what a life -_-

kalau malam, berkurung dalam bilik online, tingu movie, cerita korea, runningman sampai pingsan.. apa mau jadi, belajar pun nda, sebab nda tau mau belajar apa (alasan semata mata!!! :p )..tapi sekarang bosan suda, runningman suda habis tengok sampai episod 130, tunggu minggu depan lagi mau download, eh apa aku merepek ni...

AZ887 plan success.. !!

tapi apa yang aku suka masa cuti ni, kami semua makan sama2, sembahyang jemaah, tengok tv sama2, online sama2, semua sama2 kecuali mandi dan tidur sebab sini tiada sungai dan aku suka stay up..hahaha. cuma kerja2 rumah waktu pagi aku buat sorang2 T^T

friends?? hmm, i'm kind of anti-social this holiday (or forever) gathering, no chit chat, no sms, no call, no everything. i'm forever turning off my chatbox on FB, because i don't know how to end a conversation, and sometimes i tell them that i have things to do when i just don't know how to continue the conversation. i think i'm an awkward person. VERYYY awkward.. -oo-
get it?? haha

Actually this entry taken (copy paste) from my monthly journal.. this is my current thought, i think of posting it here so my friend gee who maybe curious about me all these days (or not) will know how i'm doing..hahaha.. oklah, bye, enjoy your holiday.

p/s: post terlalu panjang, mungkin cukup untuk sebulan dua tanpa post from me.. hahaha, abaikan bahasa campur2 :) 


gee said...

huhuhu... yeah, u owes hav a hard time to end a cnversation.. i hav seen it.. hehe..

shaa said...

hahaha..apa ble buat..