Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Expensive Miawww~

 Assalamualaikum wbt and helo~

     I was staring at my cats and suddenly, ting! lightbulbbbb~ hoho, my mind was thinking..

what is the most expensive cat in the world?
what are the other species?
how many different kinds are there?

I'm sure this kind of info is reaaaaalllllyy easy to find by asking Mr.Google but, sharing is caring.. ^_^

Well, i've checked several websites and there are some similarities between them. Eventhough the sequence is different, but the species are same.

Some of the Most Expensive Cats in the World includes:

1. The Ashera [ $22,000 - 125,000 ]

2. The Bengal [ $1,000 - 4,000 ]
    In 1998, an Englishwoman Cindy Jackson paid $42,000 for a Bengal cat that was then named Fur Ball.

3. The British Shorthair [ $500 - 1,500 ]

british shorthair, an expensive cat breed

4. The Maine Coon [ $1,000 - 2,000]

5. The Sphynx [ $300 - 3,000 ]

    However, these are only few of them. There are also Manx, Savannah, Scottish Fold, Peterbald and etc. I know the word is 'EXPENSIVE' but i never really thought the price would reach that kind of number.. 

But for me and my family, the most expensive cat would be.. them - Kelurau and her son. ( my father like to give strange names.. =_= )

When she was still young..

She had a baby..
And now he has grown a lot!

p/s: Cats are also His creation. Love them. Care for them. Appreciate them.

1 comment:

shaa said...

wauu.. i kinda lke the first one.. asheraaa ..hehe